

Certified Google Professional Cybersecurity

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Certified Google Professional Cybersecurity

Welcome to my Cybersecurity Portfolio. This repository showcases my knowledge, skills, and certifications in the cybersecurity domain. It includes detailed information on my certifications, coursework, projects, educational background, utilizing a various cybersecurity tools, and additional certifications.

Table of Contents

About me

Certified in Google Professional Cybersecurity Certificate and with Electrical and Computer Engineering background from Jimma University, I’ve begun developing my skills in network security, ethical hacking, and risk management through the Google Cybersecurity specialization. Eager for continuous learning, I am looking forward to contributing to a cybersecurity team that values innovation and collaboration, as I navigate the beginnings of my career in this exciting field.


Google Professional Cybersecurity Certificate
March 2024

B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Electronic Communication)
Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia
June 2016


This section proudly showcases my certifications in cybersecurity, earned through rigorous courses from prestigious platforms and institutions. Each certification is briefly described, followed by a direct link to the document, and includes the date of achievement.

Coursework and Projects

Google Cybersecurity Course Overview

In this comprehensive section, I document my journey through the Google Cybersecurity specialization, comprising eight pivotal courses. This series has equipped me with a robust foundation in cybersecurity principles, practices, and tools, preparing me for a variety of challenges in the cybersecurity domain.

Course Details and Skills Acquired

Completing these courses has not only solidified my knowledge and skills in cybersecurity but has also prepared me for real-world challenges, making me a valuable asset in any cybersecurity team. This journey has been both enlightening and empowering, setting a strong foundation for my future endeavors in cybersecurity.

CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python


In this section, I detail my engagement with CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python, a course that has significantly broadened my understanding of both foundational and advanced programming techniques. This learning experience has been pivotal in enhancing my problem-solving skills, data analysis, and cybersecurity.

  • Functions and Variables
    • Understanding functions for code reuse and modularity
    • Variable scope and lifetime
    • Default and keyword arguments
  • Conditionals
    • Using if, elif, and else statements to control program flow
    • Boolean expressions and logical operators
  • Loops
    • Utilizing for and while loops for iterative operations
    • Nested loops and loop control statements (break, continue)
  • Exceptions
    • Error handling with try, except blocks
    • Raising custom exceptions to signal errors
  • Libraries
    • Utilizing standard library modules (e.g., os, sys, json)
    • Installing and using external libraries with pip
  • Unit Tests
    • Writing unit tests using the unittest framework
    • Test-driven development practices
  • File I/O
    • Reading from and writing to files
    • Working with different file formats (text, CSV, JSON)
  • Regular Expressions
    • Pattern matching and text processing
    • Using the re module for complex string manipulation
  • Object-Oriented Programming
    • Defining classes and objects
    • Inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism
    • Special methods (dunders)
  • Et Cetera
    • Additional topics such as list comprehensions, generator expressions, and decorators

Through my studies, I’ve not only acquired a robust set of programming skills but also developed a deep appreciation for Python’s power and flexibility. The journey through CS50’s Python curriculum has been rewarding, equipping me with the tools to creatively solve problems and pursue further learning in technology and cybersecurity.



In this part of my journey, I navigated through the complexities of databases, specifically relational databases and SQL, through Stanford-edX’s comprehensive curriculum. This exploration enhanced my ability to perform advanced SQL queries for data analysis and security purposes, equipping me with a foundation in database management and manipulation. My studies covered a broad spectrum of SQL topics, from introductory concepts to more advanced database functionalities. This knowledge has been instrumental in my ability to analyze and secure data effectively.

  • Databases: Relational Databases and SQL
    • Developed a basic proficiency in SQL fundamentals
    • Skilled in executing Basic SELECT Statements for data extraction
    • Applied Table Variables and Set Operators for advanced query formulation
    • Utilized Subqueries within the WHERE Clause to conduct in-depth data analysis
    • Implemented Subqueries in FROM and SELECT for advanced querying techniques
    • Explored The JOIN Family of Operators for relational data operations
    • Understood Aggregation to summarize data sets
    • Handled NULL Values within databases
    • Learned Data Modification Statements to update and manage database records
  • Databases: Advanced Topics in SQL
    • Explored the use of Indexes and Transactions to improve database efficiency and maintain data integrity
    • Applied Constraints and Triggers to enforce data validity and automate database processes
    • Created Views for simplified and secure data access
    • Explored Authorization mechanisms for controlling user permissions and safeguarding data access

Through my engagement with these courses, I not only developed the skills to query and manipulate database data efficiently but also to consider the critical aspects of data security and integrity. My ability to execute advanced SQL queries for both analysis and security purposes has become a cornerstone of my technical skill set, enabling me to contribute meaningfully to data-driven projects and cybersecurity initiatives.

Cybersecurity Tools


In this section, I share my foundational knowledge and developing skills across a range of critical cybersecurity tools. Each tool represents a key area of my ongoing learning journey in security practices, analysis, and defensive strategies.

  • Linux
    • Basic knowledge of Linux command line for system management, including navigating directories, managing files, and executing commands
    • Familiarity with basic shell scripting and system maintenance tasks
  • Nmap
    • Introductory experience with Nmap for network exploration and initial security evaluations
    • Understanding basic port scanning techniques and service enumeration
  • TcpDump
    • Foundational skills in using TcpDump for capturing network packets for basic analysis
    • Recognizing common network protocols and basic traffic flow
  • Wireshark
    • Beginner-level proficiency in Wireshark for packet analysis, focusing on understanding network communication basics
    • Identifying standard protocols and troubleshooting simple network issues
  • Chronicle
    • Initial exposure to Chronicle for exploring security data analysis and threat detection
    • Engaging with security telemetry data and learning about threat hunting concepts
  • Suricata
    • Basic understanding of Suricata’s capabilities as an IDS/IPS for monitoring network security.
    • Learning about rule syntax and the importance of signature-based threat detection.
  • Splunk
    • Introduction to using Splunk for data collection and simple dashboard creation
    • Exploring the basics of security event monitoring and alerting mechanisms
  • Burpsuite
    • Early-stage learning in conducting basic web application security assessments with Burpsuite
    • Familiarizing with the tool’s interface and simple vulnerability scanning functions
  • Nessus
    • Initial experience with Nessus focused on conducting basic vulnerability scans
    • Interpreting scan results to understand common vulnerabilities and exposures

This overview reflects my current familiarity and progressive skill acquisition with each tool. My goal is to deepen my practical knowledge and application in real-world security scenarios through continuous learning and hands-on experience.

Additional Certifications

Alongside these certifications, I’ve also have a basic understanding of CSS and PHP, enhancing my web development and programming versatility. This foundational knowledge broadens my capabilities, empowering me to contribute to various projects.

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